
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Take #2

                       Harold Bloom’s concept of “self overhearing” is vital in William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Through his lack of action (“perlocutionary force”, one of the three performative utterances mentioned by J.L Austin), Hamlet is created. Hamlet’s self-overheard revelations gives us readers’ insight on Hamlet thoughts. My revelations in situations and arguments comes from me "self overhearing".
            Throughout Hamlet, Hamlet knew what he had to do, but could not put his words into action. In between this dearth of action, Hamlet was finding …. Hamlet. Through self-overhearing Hamlet sculpted himself, for example he never comes to a definite conclusion when speaking to his conscience because he over-analyzes situations (his major flaw). For instance, when he sees Claudius kneeling and completely vulnerable he gives up that opportunity to kill him because he has not come to a conclusion yet.
The self-overhearing in Hamlet also gives vital insight to the Plot. Without Hamlets though process in front of us, he would have seemed like a very peculiar character. However, with this kind of information provided by his thoughts, we know he’s not crazy, he’s a novice at revenge and we know that magic dwells in his head.
Bloom’s concept to me is very important and extremely crucial to my life at this point in time. To set goals I always need to make decisions about requirements and deadlines but also think about obstacles. It’s time to apply to colleges and its vital for me to put into play my “self overhearing” method so I know what I am getting into. For example, do I have the money? Is that the right college for me? Self-overhearing makes it possible for me to take those questions into consideration.
In both real life and the play Hamlet, self-overhearing plays important roles. In Hamlet, it gives Hamlet his character as well as our knowledge of him. In real life, when you talk to yourself about goals or situations it makes you comes to the realization of what needs to be done.                

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